Editing Checklist

The checklist below is a general guideline for editors to follow when reviewing copy. While specific campaigns may have requirements, you should typically follow the steps below when editing. We expect all editors to use a grammar plugin, like Grammarly, to find and correct spelling and grammatical errors.

Read the Style Guide for the campaign before editing

✅ Review the article title

  • Check the capitalization
  • Ensure it exactly matches the campaign keyword (unless the writer is advised to create a title)

✅ Check that the copy meets the word count

  • Generally, it can be no more than 10 words below and 75 words more than the allotted word count, unless otherwise directed.

 If the assignment calls for links, make sure it includes the proper links.

  • The links work.
  • The anchor text exactly matched the optional field.
  • Links are not in the first paragraph.
  • Links are naturally inserted into the content.
  • Links are set to open in a new tab unless otherwise instructed.

✅ Review the content

  • It follows Style Guide and client instructions.
  • It does not mention competitors (including photo attribution).
  • It includes an introduction, subheadings, and a conclusion, unless otherwise directed.
  • All elements are separated by one space unless directed otherwise.
  • Paragraphs are formatted with paragraph text.
  • Subheadings are formatted with the subheading hierarchy, starting with Heading 2.
  • All extra line breaks are removed (including at the end of the content).

✅ Check the images

  • Images are licensed for reuse (don’t check for Connections Content).
  • Images include proper attribution and links.
  • Image quality is high.
  • There is at least one image if applicable.
  • Apps/webpage screenshots are used when applicable.
  • Images are between 300 and 600 pixels wide.
  • Images are not centered or wrapped in text.

✅ Request an edit if correcting changes would take more than 10 minutes.

✅ Make comments on any changes you made throughout the copy.

In-Depth Checklist

✅ Quality push when appropriate (for client-specific work and when deadlines allow it)

✅ Review the subheadings

  • Subheadings are in logical order.
  • Give the most interesting elements at the beginning and the end, unless otherwise directed.
  • Subheadings are parallel elements. Subheadings are all questions or statements or names of apps, etc.
  • Subheadings answer the question or address the statement/topic in the headline (if the title includes “Steps to,” “Reasons for,” etc., make sure the subheadings are the proper elements (steps, reasons, etc.).
  • There are a good number of subheadings (3 or more for 500+ words).

✅ Check the sections and formatting

  • Sections should contain no more than four paragraphs. Three is ideal. (When four or more are used, it's usually a sign of fluffy content.)
  • Content utilizes bullet points when it adds to the clarity of the content

✅ Show vs. tell

  • Content should provide the most interesting element of the idea. (If the idea is about highest-grossing apps, include numbers that show revenue.)
  • Content should include relevant facts, tips, examples, and stories.

✅ Identify fluff

  • It should be obvious that the writer performed additional research (outside of the given resources).
  • Content should not include fluff and/or filler text.
  • Sections and paragraphs that don’t add any substance to the article should be removed.

✅ Ensure the content contains unique ideas

  • Content should not include obvious elements and common knowledge. 

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